Meet Rosena Joseph. She makes her debut on Day Laughs Night Cries (DLNC) with her inspiring and touching story "Not a Lab Error."
Joseph lives in the Greater Toronto Area (Canada) with her wonderful children.
She is passionate about her family and life. She enjoys travelling to different
countries, taking nature walks in a beautiful park in Toronto, or running
marathons in creative outfits (wedding dress) for worthy causes. Joseph writes
short stories in her spare time. While riding to work each morning is part of
her weekly routine, you will not catch her swinging in and out of traffic or
breaking red lights, but you can find her humming a song in English or French. Please welcome Rosena at DLNC (click this link).
Marathon Pictures - Rosena wins money for her charity
Best marathon costume prize - dressed as a clown -

Best marathon costume prize - dressed as a bride
Photo credit - West Nighborhood house