I decided to return the love by buying Sherry's books and reviewing them.
I read the books and waited for the perfect time to review them, which never
came until almost two years later—a week ago. I had given back. Yet, for me, the law
of giving was not completed. Since I did not blog frequently (9 posts last
year) and I had/have a small group of blogger friends, I was/am not a "big
fish" on the internet who received hundreds or thousands of views each day. However,
something miraculous happened when I wrote the two brief reviews of Sherry’s books
That Mama is a Grouch and That Baby Woke Me Up, Again!. My blog crashed. Ok, that's a big lie. I had almost two hundred views the first day and the next day
I had almost 550 views. It dwindled after that but was still high.
I think the reason for the page-view spike was Google plus. See the arrow. Sherry's friends supported her, which in turn supported me. Support your blog colleagues and give back. Love returns
to you—sometimes in abundance—when you give it away. I do believe in the law of giving. Thank you, Sherry.
Here is an interesting post I read today: Best Seller Labs
Day Laughs Night Cries official website is up again - will be modified soon.
Here is an interesting post I read today: Best Seller Labs
Day Laughs Night Cries official website is up again - will be modified soon.